Sunday, January 1, 2012

Nikon D300 Back-Focus test (works with any DSLR)

Nikon D300 Back-Focus test (works with any DSLR) Tube. Duration : 8.73 Mins.

A quick and dirty way to check the focus calibration for front-focus or back-focus on any autofocus camera. The D300 is the first camera I'm aware of that allows you to fine tune the autofocus for each lens in software. Please excuse my leet MS Paint skillz. One more note about recomposing the focus: The further away you are from the subject, the larger the arc created when you move the focus off-center which means the less impact you'll have on the focus plane. That means what I say is only true if you are reletively close to the subject. Say within 10 to 15 feet. It all depends on how many dgrees you have to angle the camera to re-compose, as well as what your f-stop is. Generally you only have to worry about it if you have a wide apeture, like 2.8 or 1.4.

Keywords: Nikon, D300, Back-Focus, Front-Focus, Calibration, bastian, 74

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